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TAKE.A.PRINT is a system that allows the user to take photographs of the event where you are and send through your
smartphone for INSTAGRAM with the respective event tag (eg # FESTADEVERAO2012) and print it to the venue.

Programmatically, the photos associated with the event tag are sent to a web page or facebook the customer concerned (custom or generic sendoesta). With the image provided to INSTAGRAM is generated a frame that joins the user's image with the customer logo / event and user information (name / date / time / tag's associates).
The photo is printed on a home printer (technology without ink) located in the space where the user became aware of this interactivity as well as their rules of use. In less than two minutes the user takes a picture, upload it to the INSTAGRAM with the event tag and receives a picture on hand to Poloroid style to take home, while sharing with friends via the web.

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